Anger- A Pollutant

Lately I have been thinking a lot on the LOVE Affections,respect, positive thoughts etc. and at the same time anger, hate ,abuse and other negative behaviors.

Are there any institutions or places where anger, hate or abusive language is taught??? To best of my knowledge NO. Then the question is “From where people learned”?? The likely answer is it is inherent. And also from the environment in which a person grows. Or hordes of other reasons and excuses to hurt one’s relations and the society at large.

My question is -if anger was not taught, and a person choose to be anger then why love has to be taught? Why a person can not express love and generosity towards others naturally?

The funniest part is the wrongdoer justified his/her behaviour by puting blame on others. There is no excuse for shouting or loosing one’s temper no matter what the situation is. “I am right” attitude is the output of inflated EGO and nothing else. It is not obligatory to agree on everything, but there are much better and nicer ways to convey one’s thoughts or view.

We talk about so many types of Pollution which is threatening our planet and generation to come. What about the Pollution caused by anger, violence, abuse,disrespect,hate etc caused by insensitive beings.

In today’s world, one of the biggest exploition of society is in the name of teaching Love. Degeneration has come to such s level that centres and institution are mushrooming to show the path of love and harmony, How can Love be taught ? It is omnipresent like other natural elements.

Love or anger both are there with us till our last breath. We only have to choose between the two as expression of our behavior.

Copyright (c) 2022 Namrata D Prabhakar

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